Have you been involved in a car accident and do not know what to do next? The following steps are some helpful tips to follow after a car accident:
1. Contact the police department and have a crash report be filled out by a law enforcement officer.
2. Call your attorney to receive the proper advice.
3. If you decide not to contact your attorney, you should be aware that you have 14 business days after the date of the accident to see a medical provider. If you do not see a medical provider within that timeframe under Florida rules, the insurance carrier can deny a personal injury claim.
4. After contacting your medical provider, it is crucial that you follow your doctor's orders and do not stop treating until the doctor finds you 'medically stationary'. It is important you follow your doctors orders not only for the best medical results, but it can also be damaging to your claim if you do not complete your treatment.
5. If you decided to seek legal representation in the process, your attorney will be able to enter into negotiations with the insurance carrier after you are done medically treating.
6. Most cases settle pre-suit, but if the insurance carrier is not offering you a fair compensation settlement, a lawsuit may need to be filed in your behalf. You will have up to four years from the day of accident to file a lawsuit against the insurance carrier to be in compliance with the State's Statute of Limitations rule.
7. It is important to note that filing a lawsuit does not mean you will be going to court. Most cases settle before going to court.
8. In the case that a case does go to court, it can take up to 18-months until a verdict is reached.
9. If a jury rules in your favor and awards you a money judgment, you will still need to collect and enforce that judgment. In the cases where the insurance carrier is the defendant, they will simply write a settlement check and no further action will be required. But if the case is against a negligent party who does not have insurance your attorney will need to take extra steps to collect the judgment, such as attaching a defendant's property and executing liens.